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ephemeral spring leavesJapanese food is often thought of as more fey than filling, as more delicate and difficult than robust—just too, too cute! Whimsical presentations feed the eye; subtle flavors invite contemplation. We become sensitive to the ephemeral nature of perfection. Even the exquisite is temporary. The universe is in motion and change is the only inevitable…

Home-cooking is warm and friendly. It brings families together because sharing food feeds not only our bodies, but also our memories. Home-made is comforting, simple, and basic.
Japanese Ribs and Ramen And if you have done much cooking, you also know that cooking at home means having leftovers. I often plan to have leftovers: it means a day off from cooking! Japanese food and leftovers don’t often come to mind at the same time, but I assure you that it can work. Remember that I am studying Japanese home-cooking, and like food made in homes all over the world it does not have to be fussy or difficult.
I’ll be taking a few days off to go up north to Traverse City, staying in a hotel over-looking Grand Traverse Bay and I believe the weather might be warm! When you Japanese Braised Ribsgo away, do you feel compelled to empty the fridge? I hate to come home to find good food gone bad, so I thought to leave you with a preview of some up-coming posts by showing what leftovers we ate last night.

First, Japanese Spareribs. I posted about this dish back in December when I was “practicing” how this blog would look. I’ll be making a more detail post about this Miso Ramenrecipe soon. This dish is a fine example of the leftovers being better than the original. Make this dish a day ahead for best flavor!
Second: Miso Ramen. This will the second in my series of posts about making ramen. I had enough homemade stock in the freezer to make two meals for us. This is the “planning ahead” sort of leftover because I put this together fresh from it’s prepared components twice.



More in this series about ramen:
Ramen Stock:
Homemake Ramen Stock
Ramen Toppings:
garlic paste for ramenmenmachashu

Ramen Recipes:
shoyu ramenshoyu ramenHiyashi Chuka Soba Japanese Summer Ramen

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An Award!!! Miso Ramen

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